XLarge Dark Green Multicolor Sarape Saltillo Poncho / Gaban
Everything you know about the color filled sarapes saltillos but that you can put on! We have for you the Sarapes Saltillos Ponchos / Gabanes available for kids, youth, and adults!
- Sarape Saltillo Poncho / Gaban Mexicano
- Size: XLarge Sarape 38 x 37
- Quality : Sarapes Mexicanos are hand made, with high quality durable recycled fibers, easy to clean. Sewn on all four sides for better durability.
- Washable/Easy To Clean
- Wash with delicate material to keep in best condition.
- Made in Mexico
Our handmade product is made of 100% recycled fibers. All of our products are made in MEXICO by professional artisans that have been doing this work passionately for years.